What adolescents and young adults think about medicines for achondroplasia?

A new study is going to take place in the USA to collect the perspectives of adolescents and young adults with achondroplasia about medicine options and choices for achondroplasia.
Who is invited to participate?
- Adolescents/young adults (male and female) that have achondroplasia
- Aged between 12 to 20 years old (inclusive)
- Living in the USA
- Speak and write English
- Willing and able to attend a telephone interview and to have that interview audio recorded
- Willing and able to provide informed consent
- For participants aged 12 to 17, consent from the parent/guardian will be needed also. Parents can attend the interview too
- And, Not participating in a clinical trial for achondroplasia currently
What does it include?
- 60 minute telephone interview, to be scheduled according to your son/daughter availability
- For time and experience, participants will receive a gratification of $125
How to take part?
- If you are interested in participating, send an email to: Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.