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Questionário sobre acondroplasia
Desenhámos um questionário com o objetivo de conhecer a população ligada à acondroplasia.
O questionário é opcional e anónimo. Os dados obtidos serão usados para cálculos estatísticos e para perceber melhor a história natural da acondroplasia.
Se quiser preencher este questionário mais tarde, basta clicar no link no topo "Registe-se no BA"

Understanding the language & culture around achondroplasia

2020-11-01Psychology and Social
As long a population uses a language to communicate, this language will be a "live entity", that will evolve by losing words and creating new ones. When still in the 21st Century, people keep using words that carry centuries of negative interpretations, unaware of these words origin or related meanings, this is a missed opportunity to do a positive change and actually improve the way people with skeletal dysplasias (including achondroplasia) are seen, respected and valued in society.

APLES – The Achondroplasia Personal Life Experience Scale

2020-08-11Psychology and Social
APLES – The Achondroplasia Personal Life Experience Scale – Development of a Questionnaire to Assess Quality of Life, Burden of Disease and Functionality of Children with Achondroplasia
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