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Questionário sobre acondroplasia
Desenhámos um questionário com o objetivo de conhecer a população ligada à acondroplasia.
O questionário é opcional e anónimo. Os dados obtidos serão usados para cálculos estatísticos e para perceber melhor a história natural da acondroplasia.
Se quiser preencher este questionário mais tarde, basta clicar no link no topo "Registe-se no BA"

The EAF (European Achondroplasia Forum) is a network of specialists in achondroplasia representative of the achondroplasia clinical community.

Ahead of The EAF upcoming workshop on 27th October, 16:30 CET, Clinical Management Challenges in Infants and Young Children with Achondroplasia, the network is undertaking two surveys to establish the challenges of managing achondroplasia in these age groups: one for parents of children with achondroplasia and one for clinicians.


The results will form the starting point for discussions at the workshop, which aims to compare follow-up recommendations with each person's reality, identifying barriers to best practices and launching the debate on how to overcome them. The parent survey is available in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese.

Deadline for participating in the questionnaire: 3 October 2022

Workshop: Clinical Management Challenges In Infants And Young Children With Achondroplasia

27 October 2022 | 16:30 (CET)


The workshop is online, free of charge, and open to participation by anyone. Inês Alves, founder of Beyond Achondroplasia, will be speaking. To register click on the button below:

eaf programme
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