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Survey about achondroplasia
We have designed a questionnaire with the purpose to better know the population connected to achondroplasia.
The questionnaire is optional and anonymous. The data obtained will be used for statistical purposes and to better understand the natural history of achondroplasia. Please consider answering.
If you would like to take the survey later, you can click on the link at the top "Register at BA"

A research team at Baylor College of Medicine and Texas Children’s Hospital in the United States is conducting a research study that you may be eligible for!

The purpose of the study is to learn more about people between the ages of 8 and 22 who have been diagnosed with achondroplasia and speak English. The research team wants to understand what it's like for young people to live with achondroplasia — what worries you, how you cope with stress, how comfortable you feel talking to doctors, and a lot of other questions.

Knowing this information will help doctors and other medical professionals know how best to support people your age who are diagnosed with achondroplasia. There will be a short 10-minute survey and an optional interview afterwards. Those who participate in the interview will receive a $10 gift card for their time.

If you are interested in participating, please visit
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