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Survey about achondroplasia
We have designed a questionnaire with the purpose to better know the population connected to achondroplasia.
The questionnaire is optional and anonymous. The data obtained will be used for statistical purposes and to better understand the natural history of achondroplasia. Please consider answering.
If you would like to take the survey later, you can click on the link at the top "Register at BA"
If you would like to donate to our project, please click the button below. You can also donate by bank transfer.


Bank transfer:
ACCOUNT NAME: ANDO Portugal - Associação Nacional de Displasias Ósseas
BANK NAME: Caixa de Crédito Agrícola (CA)
NIB: 0045 6202 40288537 515 56
IBAN: IBAN: PT50 0045 6202 40288537 515 56
ADDRESS: Av. Infante D. Henriques, 17, 7005-169, Évora
COUNTRY: Portugal

Beyond Achondroplasia was created in April 2013 as a blog by Inês Alves and in 2015, due to the total absence of support to patients and families in her country, Inês created ANDO Portugal - the Skeletal Dysplasias National Association, that is a not for profit organization and supports all patients and families with achondroplasia and other skeletal dysplasias.

Since ANDO is a legal entity, all donations for Beyond Achondroplasia are done through ANDO and for that reason, you will see "ANDO Portugal" on the top of Beyond Achondroplasia Paypal donation page.

If you share your email in the form, we can send you a symbolic gift for your donation.

Thank you very much for your support!
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Thank You.