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Survey about achondroplasia
We have designed a questionnaire with the purpose to better know the population connected to achondroplasia.
The questionnaire is optional and anonymous. The data obtained will be used for statistical purposes and to better understand the natural history of achondroplasia. Please consider answering.
If you would like to take the survey later, you can click on the link at the top "Register at BA"

The following document, shared by BioMarin in September 2017, is a clarification on the ongoing clinical trials for achondroplasia and was released for associations and families:

BioMarin Achondroplasia Programme Update 20Sept17

It is important to mention that families interested in having their children enrolled in BioMarin ongoing observational study (111-901) and interventional clinical trial (111-301), have to contact the centers that are conducting the clinical trial driectly, listed here.

Pharmaceutical companies DO NOT recruit patients for clinical trials. The companies, such as BioMarin, select the clinical centers (hospitals) in which their trial will take place and is the trial coordinator of that clinical center (usually a chief clinician), that recruits patients and who must be contacted for recruitment.
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