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Survey about achondroplasia
We have designed a questionnaire with the purpose to better know the population connected to achondroplasia.
The questionnaire is optional and anonymous. The data obtained will be used for statistical purposes and to better understand the natural history of achondroplasia. Please consider answering.
If you would like to take the survey later, you can click on the link at the top "Register at BA"

Study of Infigratinib in Children With Achondroplasia

2020-07-15Clinical trials
Phase 2 trial, multicenter, open-label, dose-escalation and dose-expansion study to evaluate the safety, tolerability, and efficacy of infigratinib, a fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR) 1-3-selective tyrosine kinase inhibitor

The Norwegian Adult Achondroplasia Study

2020-07-15Clinical trials
This study aims to investigate the degree and extent of spinal stenosis, chronic pain, sleep apnoea, impaired hearing, cardiovascular risk factors, and body composition in Norwegian adults with achondroplasia.

Ascendis - ACHieve study (21st Oct 2019 update)

2019-10-21Clinical trials
A Multi-center, Longitudinal, Observational Study of Children With Achondroplasia   Update - 21th Oct 2019 This is a long-term, multi-center, longitudinal, observational study in children with achondroplasia (ACH). The aim is to study height velocity and comorbidities in children with ACH. This is a natural history study and no study medication will be administered. All content in identifier (NCT number): NCT03875534   […]

QED - Propel trial (21st Oct 2019 update)

2019-10-21Clinical trials
Prospective Clinical Assessment Study in Children With Achondroplasia - The PROPEL trial Update - 21st Oct 2019 This is a long-term, multi-center, observational study in children 2.5 to 10 years with achondroplasia (ACH). The objective is to evaluate growth, ACH-related medical complications, and treatments of study participants. No study medication will be administered. All content in identifier (NCT number): NCT04035811   S […]

Achondroplasia Natural History Multicenter Clinical Study

2017-12-13Clinical trials
This is a study with the main purpose of creating an electronic registry for all types of bone conditions, starting with achondroplasia. This registry will include data on the natural history and treatment outcomes of these diseases.
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