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In this YouTube link, powered by Fundación ALPE achondroplasia, there is a list of videos for postural and motor work development, for babies and children with achondroplasia.

Although the titles are in Spanish, they are easy to follow in a visual understanding basis. Please check the playlist on the top left corner of this video link to see the full list of videos.

These videos are important for the physiotherapist and physiatrist that do the clinical follow-up of a child and for the family of that child to practice at home.

Translation of the list of the videos in the playlist:

1 - Bowing

2, 3-Cervical

4- Head control in knees position and treatment of thoracolumbar kyphosis

5-  Head control in prone position and prevention of thoracolumbar kyphosis

6- Head control in sitting position and manual coordination cut

7-  Sphinx position imbalances using one arm support

8-  Sphinx position imbalances and head control

9- Breathing exercise

10- Tumbling exercise

11- How to stand

12- Fine motor skills and head control in sitting position

13-18 - Lumbar back exercises

19- Osteopathy

20- Sphinx posture belly down

21- Pull to sit

22-23- Breathing 1 and 3

24- Suspension in prone and side lying

25- Clapping technique

26- Breathing 2

27 - Trunk rotation exercise and suboccipital muscles technique

28-  Upper limbs work

29- Head control using a physio ball, muscle strengthening  and  imbalances  exercises

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