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Questionário sobre acondroplasia
Desenhámos um questionário com o objetivo de conhecer a população ligada à acondroplasia.
O questionário é opcional e anónimo. Os dados obtidos serão usados para cálculos estatísticos e para perceber melhor a história natural da acondroplasia.
Se quiser preencher este questionário mais tarde, basta clicar no link no topo "Registe-se no BA"

A research team at Baylor College of Medicine and Texas Children’s Hospital in the United States is conducting a research study that you may be eligible for!

The purpose of the study is to learn more about people between the ages of 8 and 22 who have been diagnosed with achondroplasia and speak English. The research team wants to understand what it's like for young people to live with achondroplasia — what worries you, how you cope with stress, how comfortable you feel talking to doctors, and a lot of other questions.

Knowing this information will help doctors and other medical professionals know how best to support people your age who are diagnosed with achondroplasia. There will be a short 10-minute survey and an optional interview afterwards. Those who participate in the interview will receive a $10 gift card for their time.

If you are interested in participating, please visit
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