Bundesverband kleinwüchsiger Menschen und ihrer Familien – BKMF
(Federal Association of Little People and Their Families)
Their objective is to inform and support patients with skeletal dysplasias, which includes bringing patients together to share experiences and getting them in contact with doctors, researchers and other professionals, among other activities.
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Малки български хора
(Little People of Bulgaria)
The main purposes of Little People of Bulgaria are: to unite all short statured people in Bulgaria and ease their full participation in public life, such as get better accessibility in the country and helping their integration in the education, employment, social and health systems of Bulgaria.
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Czech Republic
This association focuses on supporting people of short stature socially, juridically, in their health and education as well as raise awareness by communicating with the general public. They also mean to cooperate with local organizations and professionals, especially doctors.
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Dværgeforeningen - DVF
(Danish Dwarf Association)
Their purpose is to support and mentor people of short stature and their families in order to make living with their conditions easier. They also aim to collect and divulge information about all diseases that cause dwarfism, to raise awareness for these diseases, the needs people of short stature have and their difficulties. They also want to facilitate the access to doctors, therapists, and other professionals that may be able to help with the complications associated with these conditions.
Visit their website.
Lyhytkasvuiset – Kortväxta ry
The purpose of this organisation is to connect people with short stature and to increase awareness in Finland, in order to promote equal rights for people of short stature.
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Association des personnes de petite taille - APPT
(French little people association)
This organization aims to encourage medical research and to spread the information relative to it to its members. It also aims to provide social and psychological support to people of short stature and their families, as well as promote the communication between them.
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Bundesverband Kleinwüchsige Menschen und ihre Familien - BKMF e.V.
(German Association for People of Short Stature)
Its main aims are to inform, advise and represent the interests of people of short stature, as well as collaborate with medical professionals, psychologists, social scientists and relevant instituitions to provide support for people of short stature.
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BundesselbsthilfeVerband Kleinwüchsiger Menschen e.V. - VKM - VKM
(Federal Association For The Promotion of People of Short Stature)
This organization's main goals are to build a community that where everyone helps each other in the social and public aspects of life, as well as regarding health, in order to improve quality of life.
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Dávid Kisemberek Társasága
(Little People Of Hungary)
The main objectives of this organization are to find and unite people of short stature, help their better integration into society, share information in order to educate them and their families, to help in terms of health and prevention, to fund research, defend the rights of people of short stature, to promote social equality, the practice of sports and to help people of short stature obtain jobs.
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Little People of Ireland
Their mission is to give support and advice to people of short stature, and to promote public awareness for dwarfism and to increase the public understanding for people of short stature.
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Dwarf Sports Association of Ireland - DSAI
DSAI wishes to provide the environment for people with restricted growth conditions to be able to participate in sports at a level suited to their abilities and wishes, to encourage them to participate and provide them with a realistic opportunity to succeed in this area.
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Associazione per l’Informazione e lo Studio dell’Acondroplasia - AISAC Onlus
(Association for the Information and Study of Achondroplasia)
AISAC's purpose is to tackle all of the problems of achondroplasia and to provide support for all people of short stature and their families. They are also focusing on supporting scientific research, as well as to address any personal, social, psychological and sanitary issues associated with short stature.
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Little People of Kosovo
This organization is a network of organizations and assemblies of people with disabilities and minorities that aims to protect the rights and dignity of minorities and people with disabilities, in order to ensure that they can fully enjoy their fundamental freedoms and all of the human rights. It promotes positive attitudes towards minorities and people with disabilities and seek to protect them from discrimination, violence and abuse, especially women and children. Also, it promotes their participation in cultural life, recreation and sports, and aims to make society more aware of the needs and difficulties of people with disabilities and minorities.
Visit their website.
Belangenvereniging van Kleine Mensen - BVKM
(Dutch Association of Little People)
BVKM aims to represent the common and individual interests of people of short stature and to divulge information related to developments in the medical field and access to adaptations.
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Norsk Interesseforening for Kortvokste - NiK
(Little People of Norway)
NiK's aims to improve the living conditions of people of short stature, providing them with advisory, to spread the knowledge about short stature among hospitals and other institutions and to work with the authorities and society itself in order to raise awareness about their problems.
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Stowarzyszenie na rzecz dzieci z achondroplazją
(Association for Children with Achondroplasia)
The Association for Children with Achondroplasia works on behalf of children and other individuals with achondroplasia and their families to enhance their quality of life. It provides medical, psychological, and social support, raises awareness of achondroplasia, and works to prevent discrimination against those affected.
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Klub Nieduzi
(Little People of Poland - LPP)
Little People of Poland aims to promote mutual help, integration and socialization between people of short stature, overcome psychological barriers, break negative stereotypes, give aid in daily life affairs to its members, advise on orthopedic equipment and to mediate between people of short stature and legal, medical and social specialists.
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Associação Nacional de Displasias Ósseas - ANDO Portugal
(Nacional Association for Bone Dysplasias)
ANDO's main objectives are to develop a centre for patient support, establish protocols with healthcare centres in order to create a multidisciplinary centre for bone dysplasias and to collect and spread information about these diseases in the form of technical brochures for medical centres, schools and social support centres.
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Asociatia Oamenilor Mici
(Association of Little People Romania)
The main purposes of this association involve the promotion of socialization among people of short stature and raising awareness for all types of dwarfism. They also mean to support people of short stature and their families by providing information and counseling in order to deal with the challenges they experience.
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маленькие люди россии - MлP
(Little People of Russia - LPR)
LPR means to collect information relative to achondroplasia (news, research, treatments, etc.), support parents of children diagnosed with this disease and protect these children's interests, and to develop connections with doctors and other organizations in order to better share the collected information further.
Visit their website.
Short Stature Scotland
Short Stature Scotland means to support people of short stature by offering them, their families, their friends and professionals of interest with information and advice. They also aim to raise awareness about people of short stature through a number of activities.
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(Little People of Serbia)
Little People of Serbia focuses on supporting people of short stature and their families in Serbia by participating and incentivising people of short stature to practice sports, providing information about the diseases that cause dwarfism. They also seek the support of other associations in order to make their projects a reality in Serbia.
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(Little People of Slovakia)
This organization aims to promote the social, educational, health and legislative interests of people of short stature, as well as provide information, help and contacts that can help them.
Visit their website.
Asociación de Familiares y Afectados de Patologías del Crecimiento - AFAPAC
(Association of family members and patients with growth pathologies)
AFAPAC's main objectives are to provide advice and support for people with bone dysplasias, encourage scientific research, raise awareness by disseminating information about these diseases among the media and promoting cultural activities within this subject and to defend its member's rights and interests.
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Fundación Alpe Acondroplasia
(Alpe Achondroplasia Foundation)
The main objectives of this organization are to provide support to people with achondroplasia in terms of advocacy, social awareness through the media, free medical assessment by a team of specialists and psychological support. Other objectives include connecting with medical and non-medical specialists (researchers, psychologists, etc.) around the world, to encourage scientific research and provide information.
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Asociación Nacional para Problemas de Crecimiento - CRECER
(Nacional Association for Growth Problems)
This organization's objectives are to help solve health issues, to help in the physical and mental development of people of short stature, to help in the development of autonomy, social, cultural and work integration, to help reduce the risks to their health and to create the legal and social framework that may be necessary.
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Sports PTB
The main purpose of Sports PTB is to promote sports for little people at all levels (rehabilitation, leisure or competition), in all environments (school, street, sports clubs, etc.) and in an inclusive manner. They also mean to raise awareness, break the existing prejudice, to portray a positive image of people of short stature on the media and to educate people on disabilities through sports and motivational talks.
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Föreningen för Kortvuxna DHR - FKV
(Association for people of short-statures in Sweden - APSS)
Part of a bigger organization (DHR), this association's mission is to spread information about people of short stature, provide a more positive image of people of short stature among society and the media and to provide equal rights for them.
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Verein Kleinwüchsiger Menschen - VKM
(Association of Little People)
This association aims to raise public awareness towards people of short stature, to help them learn professional skills and to promote the professional and personal exchange through regular social events.
Visit their website.
Association Romande des Personnes de Petite Taille - ARRPT
The Association of Little People in French-Speaking Switzerland was founded in 2016 by several small people and interested parents, with the aim of informing, reassuring, supporting, exchanging, raising awareness and collaborating. Visit website
United Kingdom
Dwarf Sports Association UK - DSAuk
This organization wants to use sports as a tool to support people of short stature, by creating positive feeling and self-confidence.
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FEST - Foundation Exploring Skeletal Dysplasia Together
This foundation sets out to promote the welfare of persons affected by skeletal dysplasia commonly known as restricted growth.
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Little People UK (LPUK)
LPUK's main purpose is to encourage medical professionals who specialize in restricted growth conditions to share information and recent findings, in order to give support to people of short stature.
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Restricted Growth Association (RGA)
This association's main objective is to relieve any distress or disadvantage of people with restricted growth by means of encouragement and support of their integration within the wider community, providing facilities for recreation and leisure time when needed. They also mean to provide education for the understanding of restricted growth to people who have these conditions and their families, promote public awareness, promote research, relie poverty and sickness of people with restricted growth and provide psychological support.
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